Truly Starting Pakistan is lowest in ranking among the nations of the world in
terms of literacy rate. Only that nation can lead the world whose every child is
equipped with good character education. Islam teaches honesty of purpose, thought
and action. It lays emphasis on social justice and active participation in the removal
of distress and poverty. In short, it aims to the distinguish those who know from
those who do not know, those who posses from those who do not posses, those who
are powerful from those who have no power. Knowledge and education are not a mere
name of literacy; but, a great goal that comprises the comprehension of the whole
universe. The crux of knowledge is service, humbleness, submission and assertion
of awareness. Our Holy doctrines of Islam as per our “Deen’’ declares character
as key to success here and thereafter. Education, therefore, is not just an exercise
in an academic pursuits. It is rather a process of character building and personality
development on the basis of knowledge. Strength of faith, dynamic personality and
mastering all current disciplines to the degree of excellence should be your aim
of life. Apply yourselves and prove your mettle. AGS is to facilitate your smooth
flow to the goal with career formation.
Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri
Founder & Patron-in-Chief
Aghosh Grammar School